The Office of Indigenous Education and NITEP will be launching a Faculty of Education Visiting Elders series this upcoming academic year. This is an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to engage with Elders and knowledge keepers and to advance Indigenous priorities in the field of education.
Mary Jane Joe will be visiting the Faculty on October 9 and 29. Mary Jane is from the Ntle’kepmx Nation with a B.Ed (NITEP) and M.A. in Educational Studies. She has taught First Nations Studies and Aboriginal Studies for a total of 18 years with NITEP/UBC and at Langara College in Vancouver. She has retired from teaching and now is an Elder-in-Residence at Langara College and works with Indigenous Artists and educators (LTTA.CA) within public schools to bring Indigenous peoples history, traditional teachings and perspectives into the classrooms.
Contact to schedule a time to meet with Mary Jane or request a visit to your class.
The Office of Indigenous Education will be hosting a drop-in session in Scarfe, 3rd Floor, Room 301A from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm for faculty, instructors, and staff who would like to meet with Mary Jane to:
- Take time to visit and get to know our visiting Elder
- Share ideas for teaching and learning
- Seek input and feedback on research, teaching, and learning
- Get to know and learn about the role of Elders in research, teaching, and learning