EDCP 340 – Land, Language and Mathematical Actions: Building Resources for Mathematics Teacher Education


Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy

Project lead:

Dr. Cynthia Nicol

Project members:

Cynthia Nicol, teacher educator UBC 

Janice Novakowski, teacher educator UBC and SD 38 Richmond 

Amanda Fritzlan, graduate student and instructor UBC 

Denise Flick, teacher educator, UBC WKTEP and SD 11 Trail 

Grace Point – teacher and graduate student UBC Musqueam 

Jessica Silvey – master weaver Coast Salish 

Joanne Yovanovich – Principal of Indigenous Education SD 50 Haida Gwaii 

Billy Yovanovich – artist, carver Haida Gwaii 


What led you to your project/inspired your work? What values and principles guided the development of your project? 

Mathematical actions are cultural ways of being in the world, developed with communities learning to survive in, and engage with, particular places. Being mathematical means noticing and studying patterns. Being mathematical develops through intergenerational knowledge and skills that come from mentoring relationships refined over time living in relationship with the land.  

The main goal of our proposal is to create curricular resources centering Indigenous perspectives, pedagogies, and experiences that can be used across our mathematics elementary teacher education courses. Working together we draw upon our shared expertise and experience through three contexts: language, weaving, and carving/drawing to emphasize relationships between land, language, and mathematical actions. 

What have you learned so far? 

We are still underway with our project as it involves working with community members – under pandemic restrictions – we are being guided by the availability of those participating.  

Our Haida Gwaii team has gathered some clips of Haida artist Billy Yovanovich and the Haida stories that guide his work – we will together edit the clipswith possible tags to storywork, community, culture and mathematical actions. Our goal is to also include a podcast of some team members discussing how this project could guide their curricular and pedagogical planning as teacher educators.  

Our weaving team is in its initial stage. Currently master weaver Jessica Silvey is video documenting some of her own weaving practices while discussing her own noticing of mathematical actions. 

We’ve experienced some delays with our language math book that will highlight connections between land, language and mathematics, but there is keen interest in those involved to continue with this aspect of our project.  

Although our project continues to be underway we’ve learned the need for patience and flexibility in working with communities and adjusting our expectations during pandemic restrictions. For example, we’ve asked community artists to film themselves using a set of guiding questions. Then we will meet via Zoom to discuss the video and decide together the story to tell with the video clips.  

We hope that our written and multi-media resources will be used by mathematics teacher educators, by teacher candidates during their practicums and as they enter the field as practicing teachers, by teachers in classrooms and by communities as they engage in language and math courses.